C4T Restoring ~ Rebuilding Clinic
The C4T Restoring ~ Rebuilding Clinic
The C4T Restoring ~ Rebuilding Clinic provides essential support for children who have suffered from emotional and psychological abuse, as well as childhood trauma. Our clinic offers these children a unique opportunity to make a significant and positive change in their lives through professional counseling. This comprehensive program is designed to address the emotional challenges that hinder a child's growth into a healthy adult.
Counseling Support:
Emotional Abuse Awareness: Educating children on recognizing emotional abuse
Coping Skills Development: Establishing essential coping skills for dealing with emotional abuse
Healing and Recovery: Assisting children in freeing themselves from negative experiences and emotions that obstruct their learning and development
Path to Emotional Health: Supporting children in gaining relief from emotional difficulties, recovering from harmful crises and developing into emotionally healthy adults
We charge on a sliding scale and we also extend our services to adults in need of support. Whether you are a targeted parent trying to navigate daily challenges, a parent overwhelmed by pressure and stress, or someone finding it difficult to balance life's demands while caring for yourself and nurturing your realtionships - we are here to help!
For more information, please call our office at 713.660.0760
one in four
children in the general population
will experience a traumatic event before
the age of 16 (National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2008)
33% of students have been bullied
15% of all girls ages 14-17 have experienced sexual assault
33% have experienced two or more types of childhood adversity
30% of students in inner city school have witnessed a stabbing or shooting
16 million children in the US live at or below the poverty level
(6 million are under the age of 6)
60% of students 17 years or younger have been exposed to crime, violence, and abuse