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“The LEAP program has given me a more vivid view of emotional abuse, through all of the instruction and course content.”


Family Time
Happy Family

“The videos are powerful – the entire message needs to be heard by both parents. I wonder why the court doesn’t make this course mandatory instead of suggesting through the attorney so that both spouses get the benefits. This is sort of like marriage counseling instead of divorce counseling. It’s ultimately about the best interest of the child.”


“What seemed like a hopeless journey in trying to defend myself against false allegations, Children 4 Tomorrow stepped in and conducted the most thorough assessment anyone could hope for when trying to see and love their children again. After being alienated from my 2 children for over 2 years, I was finally able to prove pathogenic parenting in court with the help of C4T. I am forever grateful for their dedication and insight to help children regain access to a perfectly loving and caring parent."


Happy Young Family
Family at a Beach

“I am a coach and I recognize that I am not emotionally abusing my child but I see that my actions and words are emotionally hindering my students. I am so glad I took the course to have a clear understanding of emotional abuse and how it affects children’s lives not only now but later in their lives. So glad I took this class!”


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